The Student Grant Writing Group (SGWG) was founded by JDPE students in 2012, and since its initiation, has become a valuable resource for Ecology and Evolution students at SDSU. The goal of the group is to provide students with the resources to succeed in grant acquisition. The SGWG meets during Fall semester and participating students enhance their writing skills through a peer-review process. Small groups of 4-6 students (from different fields of research) edit each other's drafts once per week over the course of 8 weeks (see schedule below). The group is largely focused on refining essays for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship; however students also work on drafts for other types of applications. Writing samples for class projects (i.e. homework) are not reviewed by the group. Contact the current SGWG coordinator.
Typical Fall Semester Schedule Week 1: Information Meeting (first week of September) Week 2: Introductions and Outline Research Proposal or Personal Statement Week 3: Research Proposal Draft 1 Week 4: Research Proposal Draft 2 Week 5: Personal Statement Draft 1 Week 6: Personal Statement Draft 2 Week 7: NSF Final Package (Proposal and Personal Statement) Week 8: NSF Final Package Second Revisions